The Canadian Studies Center helps to facilitate Canada-related research and teaching at MSU as well as strategic linkages between MSU and Canadian scholars and universities, especially where partnerships align with MSU's tripartite land grant mission of teaching, research, and outreach. Through the following initiatives outlined below, the Center encourages cross-border engagement related to teaching and research in order to advance real-world solutions for both countries and beyond.
If you are a MSU faculty member interested in Canada or any of the initiatives or resources outlined below, please reach out to us at .
The Canadian Studies Center provides core faculty members with funding to initiate or build upon collaborative research with Canadian partners in order to strengthen academic ties between MSU and Canada.
Canada Connect exists as a platform for generating and maintaining strategic partnerships between MSU, the Canadian Studies Center, and Canadian universities that are aligned with MSU's strengths and faculty interests.
The Canadian Studies Center has compiled helpful resources for MSU faculty wishing to learn more about opportunities to visit or study in Canada or generate partnerships with Canadian scholars and universities.