International Studies & Programs

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Student Programs Overview

side-by-side_internationa-center.jpgCanadian Studies Concentration

Offered through MSU's College of Social Science, the Canadian Studies concentration is designed for students who wish to increase their understanding of the processes of social, economic, political, and cultural change in Canada and Canada's international relations.

side-by-side_students-studying.jpgCanada-Related Courses

MSU offers a number of courses across the university related to Canada, many of which count towards the Canadian studies concentration in the School of Science Science. Courses are offered in programs as diverse as anthropology, criminal justice, geography, and fisheries and wildlife. 

side-by-side_students-outside.jpgCanada Club

Canada Club is an undergraduate student club dedicated to all things Canada. Open to all students, the club's goal is to foster cross-cultural understanding about Canada and US-Canada relations. 

Montreal Destination Canada.png Education Abroad in Canada

There are a number of education abroad opportunities for MSU students wishing to study in Canada with current offerings in Toronto and Montreal. 


side-by-side_studying.jpgResources for Students

The Canadian Studies Center has compiled helpful resources for undergraduate and graduate students wishing to learn more about or study in Canada.